Mining The Resources
Minding the future
Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
News briefs
IFC to Advise Government of Mongolia on its First Competitively Tendered Renewable Energy IPP The Government of Mongolia and IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, have signed a landmark agreement that will harness private sector capital and expertise to develop wind power in the country.
AUSTRALIA’S NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATED IN MONGOLIA  Ulaanbaatar. Australia Day is the official National Day of Australia. Celebrated annually on the 26th of January it symbolises an Australia that reflects the nation’s diversity. For Australians at home and abroad, it is a day to celebrate coming together and connecting with family, friends, and community to 'Reflect. Respect. Celebrate'.
A good example of supporting employment of people living with disabilities and Diversity and Inclusion Thiess in Mongolia operates with over 290 employees, of which 9 of them are people living with disabilities. By law, business entities with 25 or more employees...
Committee set up to help MONVAL Code secure international approval Given that revenue from mining is the mainstay of the Mongolian economy, it is important to create conditions that would help bring more investment in our exploration and extraction sectors, so that in time we have more mineral resources to export. One way to do this is to follow methods and processes consistent with the global best practice when putting a value on mineral deposits and mining operations. Investment in both exploration and extraction will come only when potential investors can be sure that the object of their interest has been reliably valuated, using internationally accepted methods and codes. Apart from bringing foreign investors into Mongolia, this would also help domestic companies place their assets in stock markets, both international and local.
Parliament approves two new railway routes On June 29 Parliament approved amendments to the State policy on railway to provide for two new rail routes -- Erdenet-Artssuuri and Zuunbayan-Khangi. This means a total of 1,900 km of railway will be built in the second stage of implementation of the policy, including the following previously approved routes: Nariinsukhait-Shiveekhuren (45.5 km), Tavantolgoi-Gashuunsukhait (267 km), Khuut-Tamsagbulag-Numrug (380 km), and Khuut-Bichigt (200 km).
Coal export earned almost $1 billion The full-year report for 2016 recently released by the National Statistics Office says the foreign trade turnover was $8.275 billion, 2.3% less than in 2015. Exports rose 5.3% year-on-year to reach $4.917 billion but imports fell 11.6% to $3.358 billion. The trade surplus of $1.559 billion was 1.8% higher than in the previous year.
Cameron McRae takes over as TerraCom Chairman Cameron McRae, former CEO-President of Oyu Tolgoi, is now Chairman of TerraCom. He will take an active role in leading the company into becoming a global independent coal miner.
4 companies express interest in oil refinery Four international companies – CPP-MAX (Mongolia-China consortium), ISN (Mongolia-UK JV), a Mongolia-Canada consortium, and a Mongolia-China consortium – have so far expressed their interest in building the proposed oil refinery in Bor-Undur soum in Khentii aimag, according to Industry Minister D. Erdenebat.
Luntangiin Bolormaa: Pioneer, Guide, Icon The untimely death of Luntangiin Bolormaa, founder editor of the Mongolian Mining Journal, on 21 November, is an invaluable loss for Mongolian journalism.
Независимая журналистка Монголии загадочно ушла из жизни Л.Болормаа была одной из ярчайших звезд современной истории журналистики.
Ancient Mongol metallurgy an extreme polluter The ancient Mongols have a reputation for having been fierce warriors. A new study out of the University of Pittsburgh shows them to have been unmatched polluters.
XAMODX awarded Mongolia’s first Fairmined Certificate The NGO XAMODX is the first Mongolian organization, only the fourth in the world, and the only one outside South America to have been awarded the Fairmined Certification by the Alliance for Responsible Mining recognizing that the gold it produces is without the use of mercury or cyanide.
Industry Minister against mining at Noyon Mountain MP and Minister of Industry D.Erdenebat has used his twitter account to explain why he is against development of mining in the Noyon Mountain area. His tweet reads:
Korean firm to build UB power plant KEPCO, South Korea’s biggest power supplier, has won the exclusive right to build and operate a fossil fuel power plant in Ulaanbaatar.
China approves opening-up of Erenhot border areas A new experimental area for development and opening up at the border of north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has been approved. It is a breakthrough for Erenhot, an inland port city which borders Mongolia, coming after two years of preparations.
Mongolian team visits multi commodity exchange in Mumbai A high level 5-member delegation from Mongolia recently visited the Multi Commodity Exchange of India in Mumbai to get familiar with the various operational, economic and self-regulatory aspects linked to successfully operating a commodity exchange. The delegation was led by O. Erdenebulgan, Vice Minister, Ministry of Mining.
POSCO sets up subsidiary for SNG plant in Mongolia South Korea’s top steelmaker Posco has established a subsidiary to operate a synthetic natural gas (SNG) business that is planning extend operations to Mongolia.
Copper exports rise 53% in March, coal, oil and gold also up Figures released by the National Statistical Office show that Mongolia exported 53 per cent more copper concentrate in March than in the same month last year, mainly because of rising output at Oyu Tolgoi.
Australian-Mongolian mining partnership programme announced The Australian and Mongolian governments have announced a new five-year programme for the sustainable development of mining in Mongolia.
What changes will be made to the Minerals Law in the Spring Session of Parliament? See the new issue of the Mongolian Mining Journal for the full draft document, as well as for detailed information on how exploration licences will be granted from now on and which mines will be left out of the strategic deposits list.
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