Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Mining The Resources
Minding the future

MMJ moves with the times

Ts. Gombosuren, senior diplomat and former Foreign Minister:
I wish to congratulate the staff of the Mongolian Mining Journal on the magazine’s 5th anniversary and wish them more success in the years to come.  The mining sector is a very important source of development for our nation but at the same time we are aware of the negative aspects of mining, too.  Giving the public a correct understanding of this apparent anomaly is very important, and I have long appreciated MMJ’s input in this area. 

I find it very good that the magazine does not avoid the difficult problems. It being bilingual is another plus point.  In all this, the MMJ is moving with the times, and its record so far makes me confident it will always strive to give us something new.   

MMJ sets the trend

B. Galaarid, President of the Association of Mongolian Journalists:
First of all, I wish the best of success to the staff of the Mongolian Mining Journal as they celebrate their 5th anniversary.
Every magazine has its distinctive feature and for me, the Mongolian Mining Journal’s is that it has brought a new quality and a new standard of professionalism to Mongolia’s young journalism sector.  Its name makes many associate the MMJ with making money.  I don’t see it that way. These days journalism must be run as a business, but of course certain standards have to be followed. The Mongolian Mining Journal has been a trailblazer in showing how a truly modern media business should function and has consistently covered issues according to the highest professional standards.

It is my hope and conviction that the Mongolian Mining Journal will continue to give direction to our new journalism and set the trend for future magazines. Over the last few years, journalism in Mongolia, particularly in television, has made great strides forward in the areas of technology and standards. There has also been great advancement in the magazine sector, with reputable foreign magazines coming into the country. All this makes me happy as President of the Association of Mongolian Journalists.  
My anniversary wishes to the great team of professionals in MMJ is that they should continue to bring up issues, addressing them on a professional level and in a clear-headed manner.  

MMJ links past, present, and future
M. Munhmandah, Head of the Press Institute:
The Mongolian Mining Journal is a vital source of news on issues facing the Mongolian economy, supplementing information with specialists’ opinions. That is why it is compulsory reading for the policy and decision makers, lawmakers, economists, investors and those in the mining sector. 

The Mongolian print media in general is not in very good health, but periodicals are flourishing. The Mongolian Mining Journal is one of the most popular among them, with a large number of loyal readers. They get here trustworthy information and unbiased comments. It does not just report on events after they take place, but also gives professional analyses on how theseare likely to affect and change things, recalling what happened previously.  The Mongolian Mining Journal is a good magazine because it provides the linkage between the past, the present, and the future, thus meeting the readers’ true needs.  
I congratulate you on your 5th anniversary and wish you luck in your future work.

MMJ pioneered nonpartisan journalism

S. Bayartsogt, Parliament member and former Minister of Finance:
On transitioning to the free market system, we found we lacked channels to interact between the public and the government as equal partners, a lack that continues until now.  We embraced the principle of press freedom and gave everyone equal opportunities.  However, most media proprietors and practitioners saw the field as a business, and to make it more lucrative,drifted towards politics,andagreed to beused as a tool to settle scores, targeting rival reputations, withdeliberate misreporting.

Their number rose. Unbiased reporting was rare, and so was informed and sober analysis meant to contribute to the development of Mongolia. The Mongolian Mining Journal was a pioneer in that it disseminated development policies to the public without any political distortion.

I have been struck by how, since its arrival on the scene, this magazine has been consistent in its commitment to follow high standards of professionalism. It has no political agenda of its own and focuses on providing its readers with accurate reporting and competent analysis of policies, effectively helping the public to assess both mistakes and successes.

This has caught the attention of Mongolians and foreign investors alike. I know both use this magazine as a reliable source of information on Mongolian business and economic matters. This is an accomplishment to be proud of and I congratulate the magazine staff on their success.

I am very glad that during my time as Minister of Finance I had the opportunity to work with the magazine on several occasions, on issues such as budget stability, use of revenue from mining etc. I wish you a happy 5th anniversary. Be loyal to the beliefs you started with and continue to make valuable contribution to the development of Mongolia. Fear nobody and be true to yourself as you strive to be internationally known like The Economist and BusinessWeek.

MMJ plays an honourable role with success

B.Bold, head of the policy committee of the Mongolian National Mining Association, and President, International Operations, Rio Tinto Copper Group:
I wish to congratulate the Mongolian Mining Journal on its 5th anniversary. You all have been doing a most remarkable job.
I have been a regular reader of your magazine since 2010 and would like to mention a few special features I have noticed. You have not been content with just providing raw information. You have consistently gone one step more by simultaneously educating readers with informed analyses.

Not that you neglect the basic news value of important events or new developments. This is seen in your coverage of the stock market, of the changing share value of mining companies, of the ways to determine the par value of stocks, of how mining companies raise capital, and also of the new technologies introduced in the sector. I recall your very comprehensive coverage of all issues when Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi was preparing for an international IPO.

I must also mention the very good educational programmes on the economy, mining, the environment and modern technology produced in your Hugjil studio for showing on TV. Their main value has been in providing people with balanced and correct information on the mining sector.

Your keen sense of timing, I think, was best brought out last winter when the Mongolian Mining Journal worked proactively on the revised draft of the Mineral Law initiated by the President. It was of great help for mining companies to be able to compare so many different opinions on a matter of vital importance to them.

I am grateful for all your hard and good work. Since mining will drive Mongolia’s development it is vital to provide the public with all information, good and bad, about this sector. The MMJ has taken up this duty and has worked with honourable success. I hope you continue in this role.
Once again, a happy 5th anniversary.