Mining The Resources
Minding the future
Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
B.Enebish: Politics were leading to a long delay In the interview with MMJ, B. Enebish (former CEO of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi and Erdenes MGL) explains why the company sees slower progress than expected.
“It has become necessary to bring Mongolian coal research to the next level.” Dr. J. Narangerel is Chief Analyst for the Mineral and Mining Experimental Laboratory of the Mineral Resources Authority. He answers E.Odjargal’s questions on how can we develop coal laboratory and opportunities for development of coal-to-liquid technology in Mongolia.
“Complete oversight of all transactions has been arranged” This is the interview with Ts. Sedvanchig,until recently Executive Director of ErdenesOyuTolgoi, that created a stir in the international media. Ts. Sedvanchigwas answering questions a few days after the first shipment from OyuTolgoi was exported.
JICA study doubts if coal sector can expand much B. Altsukh, Director of the Coal Department at the Mining Agency since 2012, started his career in the Baganuur mine as a mining engineer, rising to become its Deputy Director, before moving on to work as a senior expert at the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and then at the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy.
“Why should the State build a railway?” B.Purevbaatar, Head of the Mongolian Railway Engineering Association, tells MMJ what is wrong with the State policy on railway and why there has been no progress in building the railway.
Draft mineral law “breaks new ground” Ch.Unurbayar, Legal Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia, explains the principles behind the draft mineral law while answering questions from the Mongolian Mining Journal.
ETT IPO in MarchApril next year: B.Enebish B.Enebish, Chief Executive Officer of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi LLC, tells S.Bold-Erdene why the company’s much-anticipated IPO has been delayed and how it may all turn out to be more beneficial.
Remembering the first years of “Discover Mongolia” Ten years ago, when the first “Discover Mongolia” Forum was conceived of as a platform to introduce the Mongolian mineral sector to the world and to attract foreign investors, nobody could be certain of the response from the latter. Now, when the annual event is a runaway success, we take a walk back Memory Lane with N.Algaa, chief executive of the Mongolian National Mining Association, who was among those actively behind the forum at its modest beginning in 2003.
Discover Mongolia 2012 to help investors “discover” new areas A.Bilguun, secretary of the Organizing Committee of “Discover Mongolia 2012” International Mining Investors’ Forum (IMIF) and chief executive of Mine Info LLC, talks to MMJ about the upcoming event.
Poorly drafted laws causing huge loss The proposed sale of mainly Canadian-owned SouthGobi Resources to a Chinese state-owned company has revived the question of the extent to which Mongolians can claim to be the real owners of their mineral resources. There is no clarity on who is selling whose treasure. B.Batjargal, director of the budget policy department at the Ministry of Finance, puts the highly emotional and controversial issue in perspective.
“My personal wish is to have people’s capitalism” In this informal and wide ranging conversation with L.Bolormaa, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt looks back at his years in office, marked by a shift in the popular perception of mining.
“Both buyer and seller should decide on coal export price” The growing importance of coal in the Mongolian economy was highlighted when it some time ago replaced copper as the country’s primary export earner. However, there are longstanding problems with using optimal methods of coal production, getting a better price for the coal, and finding a larger and more widespread market. D.Bat-Erdene, President of the Mongolian Society of Economic Geologists, answers questions from B.Tugsbilegt on these and other related issues.
I believe that CTL or SNG will become an important part of Mongolia’s energy future Following interview is with the Brain Thornton, Executive Chairman of Xanadu Mines Ltd, one of the leading mining company operting in Mongolia
“As of now, it is vital to have a railway to the South” D.Damba, President of the Mongolian National Mining Association, talks to G.Ider on various issues in the mining sector. The Minerals Ministry, Government agencies, NGOs all plan to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the mining industry in Mongolia. How will your Association observe the landmark?
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