Mining The Resources
Minding the future
Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Reporter"s diary
BaruunTsankhi: Low-key start to high-yield project Finally there is news from BaruunTsankhi, the biggest coalfield region in the vast TavanTolgoi deposit. A decision is yet to be taken on the choice of strategic investors to operate BaruunTsankhi, though on this depends outside perception of Mongolia’s stance on foreign investment.
Metallurgy complex needed immediately President Ts. Elbergdorj’s speech at the recent Economic Forum was marked by his concern that iron ore was being transported to China day and night. It would indeed be sad if we run out of the reserves when we finally set up the capacity to process iron ore. One is reminded of the Mongolian saying, “Putting on the coat after the rain is gone”.
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